Tuesday, March 27, 2007

And don't forget that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.-The Prophet by Kilhal Gibran

I think seasons are beautiful. How can you enjoy one without the other? Summer prepares you for fall, which leads to winter, which prepares you to spring, which leads to summer in order to prepare you for the fall again. One can't help but be thankful when spring comes after a cold bleak winter. Summers end is always celebrated as the cool breeze marks changes in the trees.

This afternoon I couldn't help but sit down outside of the cafeteria after work and bask in the beauty of the sun setting behind the Dogwood.

Are seasons of life similar? Maybe they are. The broken heart may be the winter to love. The loneliness the summer that leads to the refreshing of community.

There is so much I've been meaning to write about, but too much for one blog. Things are busy. Life is still hard. A professor of mine has confessed that if he were a pagan, he would probably worship the moon. For me, I would worship light. Not the source mind you, sun or moon, just light. God reveals himself through light playing in the world.

For the breath of life is in the sunlight and the hand of life is in the wind-The Prophet by Kilhal Gibran

More Photos at www.flickr.com/photos/musicelevationaddict

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