Tuesday, September 12, 2006

School Days

So here I am, Back at school. Ramen, coffee. Lots of Coffee. How fare I? Well. Not great but well. There are things that keep me sane. Longboarding, friends. The Grace of God. Its hard being back at school. Things have changed, or they seemed to have changed. Sometimes the revolution of change we face is actually only a slight shift in our perception of the world.
Some things are bad at this school now. Profs are tired. some are scared for thier job. There is some kind of huge disconnect in the whole administration here, but its hard to nail what it is. I don't know. Im just a student. What do I know. Maybe too much for what I need to be focusing on.

Something else thats hard to nail down I've been studying a lot of what worship is. I feel like there is some point we are missing. We are all saying the same thing over and over again, but were missing something. I don't know what it is. More on this later.

I've been thinking about moonlight. I was sitting one night out at the point and it cut through the dark lighting the ground with a pale glow. It didn't show everything in perfect detail, but was simply one of those full moons that showed you all you needed to know. Turning around, I saw a chain of lamps each casting a golden yellow glow for a five foot radius. At the edge of each glowing circle there was darkness. A deeper hue of dark, more unclear than that of the shadows cast by moonlit obstructions. Random thoughts cast out into the dorm room of a tired stressed student. More thoughts on this later.

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