Friday, March 16, 2007


So on Sunday my good friend Mac was at church as usual. Apparently a road trip which he was undertaking had suddenly become a solitary one as he was determined to visit his grandma in Florida (as he does every year) despite having to go alone. Thus, an impromptu road trip is born and The next morning we were off! To pick up his car at the shop. It wasn't ready. After spending an hour or so there and finally getting the car we switched cars with his mom (his probably wouldn't of lasted the 14+ hours on the road) and headed to Florida.

Being the obsessive amateur photographers that we are, the trip down was fun as I drove and took shots one handed and he used his fancy optical zoom to take photos of the setting sun over Georgia and into Florida.

We only spent one whole day in Florida since we both had to be back on Wednesday, but we were productive. We hung out at the beach, watched two idiotic movies (Nacho Libre and Flyboys; I honestly think the plot of Flyboys was more inane then that of Nacho), and took his Grandma out to dinner. We took lots of Photos, got sunburned, and tried to use old boogie boards that were about as effective as limp noodles in the puny waves.

The weather was perfect, the drive was smooth, the conversations were great, the ipod provided great music. really, it was everything a good road trip should be. Anyway, Here are some photos.

P.S. Any Movie buffs, two great movies I just watched today. (I should of been reading aquinas) Odd Man Out dir. by Carol Reed, and Rashomon dir. by Akira Kawasura

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