Monday, March 05, 2007

Hoping To Simplify

What if life isn't supposed to be this complicated? What the complications come from our inability to accept the world around us, or our fear of what we don't understand around us? Hiking up to Table Rock mountain these were my thoughts. As Augustine would say, love God and do what you will. Its simple. Devastatingly so. Sighing, I lean back in my chair.
An update. Im buried in work and keep forgetting that spring break is almost here. How did that happen? Im contemplating staying in Charlotte and doing a little work or going camping on an isolated island with wild horses...Im just worried Im not going to get the work done that I need to for my Aquinas paper in Medieval Philosophy.. I don't know.

The Rest of my life? Yeah its going fine. The usual issues to deal with, the complications that arise from my own dysfunctions and fears and their manifestations as worries and awkwardness. My usual lack of discipline that keeps me from getting done everything I want to. My usual deficit of attention which keeps me from getting everything done.

I wish I had more time to read. Im currently reading The Metamorphosis and some other short stories by Kafka, I just started The Idiot by Dostoevsky as well as the Prophet by Gibran. There are others too, Tides of War, The Brothers Karamazov, I don't have enough faith to be an atheist, I need more time to just sit and read through them. I get too distracted otherwise and just keep switching books. Really, I need to spend my spring break finishing these books so I can move on to some other ones I've been wanting to read.

Some days I just feel like packing one duffel bag and a book bag, and just hitting the road. Just to go somewhere, wander around, do odd jobs, camp here, hike there, enjoy life, meet people Maybe I will walk, or bike it. or Longboard across the country. That'd be good, as long as it didn't rain. Although the mountains would be tough. Sighing, I go to work.

1 comment:

Theresa said...

Post modernism = using spell check to see if it is spelled right.

Modernism= using webster's hard cover dictionary.

Good thoughts Danny, don't be surprised if some just look at you and say huh? You have great depth. Just don't forget to come up for air in the midst of all those papers. Some papers just get done, others sink your teeth into.
I'm praying for ya, I know the load gets heavy.
Aunt Theresa