Friday, February 29, 2008

Through the Looking Glass

Through the Looking Glass
Originally uploaded by Dannybhoy
I found myself drifting today. Floating between dreams. I feel so detached from my university, so close to leaving this stage of my life, that my heart and mind cannot find restt in the spaces between these red brick buildings. Instead I wander, hope and dread both weighing equally heavy on my mind. Focus. The struggle of my life.

So I stop. My thoughts keep going.
I repeat these two steps
for the tenth time today.

!. breathe. (more than a simple intake of air, my heart lets go and breathes in air that warms the soul like communion wine, like a that song your mother sang, like a kiss on the forehead. )

2. go. (a step taken. Not in any direction but rather the kind of step that you take only when you know what your legs are really for.. Its like the feeling of running, the exhilaration of your muscles responding and pumping as they were meant to cool air against your skin and the glorious burning of your muscles. Its being alive. Its being in God. Its just being.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

...and when you graduate, it feels something like going 'down the rabbit hole'. It's an exhilarating and surreal experience, which I highly recommend!